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Motor Controllers
: DC-motor driver, IC DRV8838, 250kHz, 1.7A, Uin mot 0÷11V
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Motor Driver - DC-motor driver, IC DRV8838, 250kHz, 1.7A, Uin mot 0÷11V
Prod code:
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9.83 €
2.36 €
Final price with tax:
12.19 €
Long delivery time
Long delivery time
Module type
DC-motor driver
Integrated circuit
Max. frequency
Output current
Motor input voltage
Logic input voltage
Number of channels
Additional functions
safty sensor, current shutoff, over-temperature shutoff
Board dimensions
10 x 12.7mm
Kit contents:
With order
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POLOLU-1096 - Motor DC, with gearbox, 3÷9VDC, LP, 210 1, dbl.sided shaft no
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POLOLU-995 - Motor DC, with gearbox, 3÷9VDC, HP, 250 1, dbl.sided shaft no
POLOLU-994 - Motor DC, with gearbox, 3÷9VDC, HP, 298 1, dbl.sided shaft no
POLOLU-993 - Motor DC, with gearbox, 3÷9VDC, LP, 30 1, dbl.sided shaft no, 40mA
POLOLU-992 - Motor DC, with gearbox, 3÷9VDC, LP, 100 1, dbl.sided shaft no
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POLOLU-1587 - Motor DC, with gearbox, 6VDC, LP, 99 1, 58rpm, max.918mNm, 2.4A
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